September 6, 2013

First Day of School Bracelet

I recently saw this idea over at The 36th AVENUE, using cheap hardware washers to create some really pretty jewelry.  With my daughter's first day of Kindergarten on the horizon, I wanted to make her a little something she could take to school to remind her that I'm thinking about I came up with this.

One side says 'LOVE', so she remembers I love her no matter what, all the time, every moment.

The other side says 'LEARN', so she remembers why she's at school.

Maybe not the most inspired words, but really, good enough for this overtired, overemotional Mama on Kindergarten-eve!

I used rainbow colors ('cuz, what 5 year old girl doesn't love rainbows?!?) and literally tied knots to keep the embroidery thread secure.  I used a screw-on clasp at the other end so she could take it on and off.  I did have a little trouble keeping the embroidery thread knotted so I added a bit of Aleene's Tacky Glue at the end knots and so far it is working perfectly.

She loved it.  She wore it for 2 days straight.